The question was recently posed as to what we, at Sanford Area Growth Alliance, do to entice people to come live in Sanford?
At SAGA, we work under the Economic Development umbrella to attract businesses and industries to our community to create more jobs and higher wages, thus attracting people to come to work here.
However, we would prefer for those who work here to live here as well, which is why another key aspect of SAGA’s mission is to push for quality of place initiatives.
Quality of place is what makes a community attractive and desirable to residents, businesses, and visitors. We want Sanford to be aesthetically appealing, have social and cultural amenities, economic opportunities, safety and security, and an overall sense of community.
How we bring these elements together to create a unique and vibrant environment that will be enticing to all the citizens and visitors of Lee County is part of our work.
We strive everyday to make our community better through the programs and events we offer to our members, investors, and our residents.
However, the largest component of Sanford’s quality of place is you, our resident. You are our largest asset and our loudest cheerleader.
Our goal is to make our citizens proud of the community they live in, to partake in our programs and events, enjoy Lee County’s amenities, to live in our homes, work in our industries, and play in our town.
We need every one of you to work, live and play here to spread the word of how wonderful Sanford is. We also need your feedback to ensure that we are heading in the right direction. Communication a vital part of the continued progress we make.
You are the voice of our community – you are the ones speaking with the coworker who commutes to work in Sanford, and you are the one speaking to your friend from out of town or your family.
Come out to our events, join our programs, visit and play in our parks, eat in our restaurants, shop in our stores, and take note so that next time someone asks, “Why Sanford?” You will have so much to share with experienced enthusiasm!
Susan Gomez, Chamber of Commerce Director