Community Engagement is Key

April 26, 2024 | Written by: Campbell Wheby

Children's Business Fair - vendor

Community engagement in a small town is crucial for the livelihood of its residents and businesses. The sense of belonging is a factor that we tend to overlook, but we all need it. By becoming engaged, we strengthen relationships and enhance Sanford’s overall quality of place. This strengthening of relationships can lead to cultural enrichment and economic development.

We can boost local economic development through community engagement by supporting local businesses and encouraging others to buy locally. Have a favorite spot to eat? Have a local shop you love to visit? Have a favorite service provider? Tell your friends, family, and co-workers. You would be surprised by how many of us still don’t know about all the gems that Sanford has to offer. By supporting and encouraging people to shop locally, dine locally, and play locally, we increase revenue for our businesses, create more jobs, and increase the overall economic growth of Sanford.

As we continue to engage in our community, we show others our strong sense of belonging and involvement. The more we participate in local events, the more others will see how much we love our town, making others want to join us in on the fun. This increased involvement will attract outside visitors and investors, helping them see the potential for their business venture to thrive in a community where its residents are engaged and supportive. One of the major reasons given to SAGA by those who have chosen Sanford as the location for their new project is the community of Sanford and its people. 

Another reason to stay involved and engaged is the more you play and stay local, the more valuable insights you will have for the opportunities within Sanford. You can help identify areas of improvement and be able to engage with our local government, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and us, your Chamber, to approach collaborative problem-solving and solutions that will benefit our local economy and quality of place. A community thrives on the people it serves, and we are here to listen, help, and guide you so Sanford can continue to be the place we all love to play, live and work in.

Follow us on Facebook at Sanford Area Growth Alliance or on Instagram at @growsanfordnc to see all that is happening in our community and how to get involved.

Become a Chamber Member as a business or as an individual by going to our website,, to receive great benefits as an advocate for the Chamber.

Susan Gomez, Chamber of Commerce Director